Why is a photo booth a great idea? Well, technically we’ve already answered that on the blog, but we’ll add another. Photo sharing! And the best way to share you and your guests photo booth experience? A wedding hashtag.
If you’ve been to pretty much an wedding lately, you’ve probably seen a hashtag to use if you’re snapping photos or using one of our ultra-fun photo booths. Not only are they creative ways to engage your guests, but they’re also the perfect way for you to surf social media post-wedding to see all the fun your friends and family had in our booth. How do you create a wedding hashtag, though? We’re here to help!
Use Your Names
Sometimes, simple is best. That means starting at the most basic way to make a hashtag: using your names. Try to determine if one (or both) of your last names could form a word that would fits in a phrase. The Hardens, for example, used the phrase #FallingHardenLove for their hashtag, and it’s one of our favorites. Another example? The last name Mann. That’s an easy one. Use the first name of the bride or groom to form the phrase #AshleyGetsHerMann.
Use A Generator
The good news? There are real life wedding hashtag generators on the internet! If you can’t form a pun or joke with your first or last names, don’t worry. These generators are here to help you out!
Use Social Media
You don’t have to be super punny to have a great hashtag! Just use social media as your inspiration! After all, one of the purposes of having a wedding hashtag is so that you can search photos on Instagram or Twitter after the wedding. Why not include Instagram in your creation? #Smithstagram #Kiblergram It works with just about every last name, and you can take over your friends’ feeds with it. Perfect, right?
Clearly, a wedding hashtag doesn’t have to be as stressful as you may think. With these tips and some creativity, you’ll be social media famous.
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