It’s not every day you have the opportunity to party with a room full of celebrities! However, Photo Booth of Charlottesville does have the honor to frequently party with some really well-known and successful people, at their private parties and exclusive events! A few weeks ago, we had the very unique opportunity to be invited to, and provide our photo booth at the private residence of Daniel Snyder (owner of the Washington Redskins), for the WOW Wives Holiday Party!! As a business owner, not only was this a great opportunity, but as a lifelong Redskins fan and 7 year season ticket holder, let’s just say it was very exciting!!
When our 1997 Dodge Caravan, used exclusively for Photo Booth of Charottesville, who we call the “White Wonder” pulled up to the property, I am certain the security guards didn’t expect we were special VIP guests for the day:)!! We were obligated to sign non-disclosure agreements to prevent us from revealing specifics of what we saw on the property, but I can say it was simply amazing, and what you would expect from a BILLIONaire’s home!!
The host of the evening was Mrs Tanya Snyder, co-owner of the Washington Redskins! I must say Mrs Snyder was an absolute sweetheart, and such a gracious host! She made us feel right at home, and was even kind enough to take pictures with us in the photo booth! The event was full of ALL beautiful women, who were the wives, girlfriends, etc of the Washington Redskins players. Among those in attendance were SuperBob’s (RG3) wife AND mother, the Shanahan wives, Mrs Deangelo Hall, Mrs Brian Orakpo, and just about every other Redskins name you can think of!! The women absolutely loved our photo booth services, and took countless pics throughout the event! They were extremely complimentary and requested lots of business cards for future events! We are very thankful to the team and the Snyder’s for having us in their home, and proud to say that Photo Booth of Charlottesville is the photo booth of choice for the Washington Redskins!! It was certainly an unforgettable experience as a business owner and as a fan! HTTR!
Please remember when having your next special event or private party, Photo Booth of Charlottesville will ensure your event will be one that people will be talking about for years to come! Please contact us at the info below, we would love to party with you!!